November 18th: 12th Annual Turkey Bowl & Poc Fada – 9 AM

It’s our age old tradition of playing Gaelic sports on a Disc Golf course!
Lakewood park – 11050 10th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98146

December 2nd: 6th Annual Ugly Sweater Football Match – 11 AM

You heard it right. Pull out your favorite sweater and play some football!
West Seattle Stadium – 4432 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126

December 8th: End of Year Awards Banquet – 6 PM

Dress a little fancy, hear some speeches, win some awards, and get your drink on!
St. Andrew’s – 7406 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

January TBD: Seattle Gaels AGM

Make your voice heard! Vote on next year’s committee. Bring motions to be voted on. Be a part in making the Gaels a successful club.
St. Andrew’s – 7406 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103


More info will be sent prior to each event. If you have any specific questions, please email

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