Phases and Associated Permissible Activities

 Phase 1 Activities (Scrimmaging other teams NOT allowed)

Outdoor team practices, training and intra-team competitions allowed.

Scrimmages against other teams or training or practices with other teams is not allowed.

 Phase 2 Activities (Scrimmaging other teams allowed)

Outdoor training, practices and competitions allowed. Maximum 200 people allowed at competitions, including spectators.

 For outdoor competitions on SEATTLE CITY PARKS; For facilities or complexes with more than one field or area of play a maximum of 75 people allowed per field or area of play, including spectators. All spectators of different households are to remain physically distant, 6 feet or more, as much as possible.

 Scrimmages against other teams or practices with other teams is allowed.

 No tournaments allowed. A prohibition on tournaments for sporting activities does not include postseason, playoff, state, or regional championship competitions with no more than four teams at one site sanctioned by a statewide interscholastic activities administrative and rule-making body that oversees competition in all counties in the state.

 Phase 3 Activities (Mask Removal and Tournaments Allowed)

 Regarding masks: moderate contact outdoor sports athletes allowed to remove masks for competitions. Masks must be worn by athletes when training/practicing, when waiting on the bench to play, or when not actively competing in a game. 

Competitions shall include intra-club scrimmages, intramural league games, inter-club challenge matches, and USGAA sanctioned competitions.

 Tournaments allowed for low, moderate, and high contact sports. Out-of-state athletes and teams should follow CDC travel guidance. Tournament organizers must publish a field, complex, facility map that clearly outlines ingress and egress points, team areas, and spectator areas. Tournament organizers should notify Local Health Jurisdiction of time, location, and number of participants for each tournament, and provide the name of a health and safety liaison for contact tracing or medical emergencies. No one who shows signs or symptoms of COVID-19 allowed to attend. Tournament organizers should monitor adherence to protocols and spectator limits. Field of play markings required outlining where spectators may watch. Tournament organizer is responsible for sanitizing any shared equipment/areas. Staggered start times should be used to prevent traffic from arriving and leaving all at the same time. Tournament organizers must provide at least 15-minute buffer from the end of one game/match and the start of the next on the same field of play. Teams must have vacated field prior to next team entering. No communal hydration stations allowed. Awards ceremonies should be brief, must be held outdoors, and facial coverings are required.

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